When actor Richard Dreyfus gazed up into the heavens during the hit film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind audiences looked with him, in rapt attention. Alien encounters cropped up like, well, crop circles. More films were released. Books detailed alleged abductions. NASA funded SETI, an effort to make contact with civilizations from other worlds....

Our Fathers Who Aren’t in Heaven -The Forgotten Christianity of Jesus the Jew- Anthony Buzzard (second edition 1999)

There is an impressive consensus among New Testament scholars that the Kingdom of God was the principal theme of all that Jesus taught. The Gospel about the Kingdom of God is actually the New Testament name for the Christian Message of salvation. Yet today we hear little or nothing in public evangelism about the Gospel...

Transformed by Truth- Joseph Tkach (MULTNOMAH)

The Worldwide Church of God rejects the teachings of founder Herbert W. Armstrong and embraces historic Christianity. This is the inside story. In this fast-paced narrative, Joseph Tkach, son of Armstrong’s handpicked successor and head of the church, tells this remarkable account of the transforming power of the Gospel. Unprecedented in Church History: A major...

The Canon Debate: On the Origins and Formation of the Bible- LEE MARTIN, MCDONALD, JAMES SANDERS editors (HENDRICKSON)

About the book: What does it mean to speak of a canon of scripture? How, when, and where, did the canon of the Hebrew Bible come into existence? Why does it have three divisions? What canon was in use among the Jews of the Hellenistic diaspora? At Qumran? In Roman Palestine? Among the rabbis? What...


A balanced and healthy consideration of Christmas–neither debunking Christmas as “pagan and un-Christian” nor encouraging an over-emphasis of the materialistic or secularization of the holiday. From the Author: On a personal note, early in my Christian experience, I was intrigued to discover that a number of things practiced among Christians were not mentioned in the...

Is the Mormon My Brother?: Discerning the Differences Between Mormonism and Christianity -JAMES WHITE (BETHANY HOUSE)

A Straightforward, Accurate Answer to a Question Once Considered Settled In Television campaigns, parachurch events, and clergy fellowships all across the United States, Mormons are presenting themselves as mainstream Christians. Is it unloving or backward to say they aren’t real Christians? In contrast to Christian monotheism the belief in one God Mormonism teaches that God...

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