“Who do you say that I am?” Jesus of Nazareth posed this question to his followers nearly two thousand years ago, but the question still hangs in the air, requesting an answer from every person. Indeed, the question of the identity of Jesus Christ is the most important theological issue of all human history, because...
A Biblical Anthropology – Michael Bieleski (Mishma 2014)
The content of this book concerns the central religious questions of life-after-death, salvation and judgment, and whether the Christian scriptures present a cohesive view about these matters. It’s an enormous topic that has implications for virtually every aspect of human existence. In this book Michael approaches matters in a very biblically foundational way. He’s addressing...
The One God, the Father, One Man Messiah Translation: New Testament with Commentary -Anthony Buzzard (2020)
Most churchgoers are unaware that what they receive in church as ‘Bible’ has been filtered to them through a lens of Greek philosophical thinking. This tradition adversely affects current Christian teaching, obscuring central aspects of the original belief of Jesus and the Apostles. Post-biblical councils did much to draw a veil over ‘the faith once...
Unitarian? What’s That? Questions and Answers about a Liberal Religious Alternative -Cliff Reed (Lindsey Press 2018)
As a religion which imposes no creed or dogma on its followers, Unitarianism is not easy to define. This short book introduces readers to Unitarian values and principles by means of a simple question-and-answer format, based on questions that people have actually asked when encountering Unitarians for the first time: questions such as “Where does...
Tongues Will Cease But When? Raymond Faircloth (2016)
Did the miraculous speaking in tongues, as recorded in the New Testament, come to an end in the first century? Or is the current phenomenon that we see today in more and more churches really a part of what Christians should be doing? It is vital to examine exactly what the New Testament says on...
The Gift of Holy Spirit: The Power to be like Christ – Mark Graeser, John Lynn, John Schoenheit (Spirit and Truth Fellowship International 2006)
The subject of the Holy Spirit is one of the most misunderstood subjects in Christendom. Yet the gift of holy spirit is one of the greatest gifts God has given to mankind. Moses had it, and when he needed help administering the millions of Israelites, God took of the spirit that was upon Moses and...
The Christian’s Hope – The Anchor of the Soul -John Schoenheit (Spirit and Truth Fellowship International 2016)
What the Bible really says about Death, Judgement, Rewards, Heaven and the future life on a restored earth. Clean air and pure water. All the land, even deserts, fertile and blooming. Pasturelands full of grazing animals. Rivers and seas teeming with fish. More than enough food for everyone. Starvation and hunger – distant memories. No...
Divine Truth or Human Tradition?: A Reconsideration of the Orthodox Doctrine of the Trinity in Light of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures- Patrick Navas (Authorhouse 2011)
In Divine Truth or Human Tradition? the author critically examines the viewpoints and Scripture expositions of prominent evangelical scholars and apologists-including Dr. James R. White (author of The Forgotten Trinity), Dr. John MacArthur (President of The Master’s Seminary), Wayne Grudem (author of the widely-read Systematic Theology), Robert Morey (author of The Trinity, Evidence and Issues),...
Glory to God in the Highest -Joel Hemphill (Trumpet Call Books 2010)
Removing the influence of Socrates, Plato, Philo and Greek Philosophy from Christian Doctrine. Hemphill investigates whether Trinitarian Christians are following Jesus Christ and his chosen apostles or Plato, who taught the doctrine of the trinity in his academy 375 years before the birth of Christ. Used in good condition. Size 15×23 cm. 524 pages. 10€
The One: In Defense of God -J.Dan Gill (21st Century Reformation Publishing 2016)
From atheism and agnosticism to Trinitarian Christianity which itself is not rooted in the simple faith of the one true God of the Bible – J. Dan Gill meets all of these candidly and head on. He asks, “Why do most Christians not even know the Shema – the amazing biblical creed about God which...