From atheism and agnosticism to Trinitarian Christianity which itself is not rooted in the simple faith of the one true God of the Bible – J. Dan Gill meets all of these candidly and head on. He asks, “Why do most Christians not even know the Shema – the amazing biblical creed about God which...
Ετικέτα: ENGLISH
A book which must rank among the significant examinations of the subject not only for New Testament studies, but in the current ecumenical debate.The author’s method, after a very unusual and discriminating discussion of the authority of scripture for the ordering of the church is, to begin with, analytical. He considers Jesus’ conception of the...
Wild at Heart: Discovering The Secret of a Man’s Soul -John Eldredge (Nelson Books 2001)
God designed men to be dangerous, says John Eldredge. Simply look at the dreams and desires written in the heart of every boy: To be a hero, to be a warrior, to live a life of adventure and risk. Sadly, most men abandon those dreams and desires-aided by a Christianity that feels like nothing more...
If you’re tired of soul-numbing existence and long to experience the passionate life described by Jesus, you’ll want to read this book. The River Within will open you up to a new way of living that brings you closer to God and plunges you into a passionate way of living. 297 pages. 18/ 10€
Transformed: A New Way of Being Christian- Cesar Kalinowski (ZONDERVAN 2013)
In Transformed, author Caesar Kalinowski shows you that when you became a Christian everything about you changed in an instant. You received a new identity based on who Jesus is, not on who you were. As a believer, you literally become part of God’s family of missionary servants. This is who you are—not what you...
Bigger Gospel – Cesar Kalinowski (MISSIO 2017)
Learning to Speak, Live and Enjoy the Good News in Every Area of Life. The gospel is not just about the afterlife, and Christianity is not a program in sin management. Too often, it’s been made just that. The author explains how to share the Christian faith with others in a natural way without feeling...
The Gospel Primer – Cesar Kalinowski (MISSIO 2013)
8 Weeks to Transformation in Community. The Gospel Primer is designed to help any group of people cultivate a practical understanding of the gospel and grow in gospel fluency––the ability to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel in absolutely every area of life. 203 pages. 22/ 8€
Follow : A Handbook for Making Disciples of Christ -DANIEL SAMMS (2015)
A fundamental premise to this book is that everyone can make disciples. You don’t need to be a pastor, and you don’t need years of training. All you need is to know Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you as you lead others to follow Jesus. 144 pages. 20/ 14€
Simply Kingdom, Simple Church: Multiplying Disciples and Churches -CHARLES KRIDIOTIS (LULU 2016)
He describes the basics of the Kingdom that Jesus preached, how to make disciples, simple church life and leadership, and the multiplication of simple church groups and networks. 188 pages. 22/ 16€
The Open Church: How to Bring Back the Exciting Life of the 1st Century Church-JAMES RUTZ (SEEDSOWERS 1992)
The goal is to enable everyone to be a participant, not just a spectator. The church can quickly be restored to everyone because, contrary to popular belief, laypersons are eager to share their hearts, take active roles in worship, and resume the work of God. USED in very good condition. 180 pages. 8€