A Biblical Anthropology – Michael Bieleski (Mishma 2014)

The content of this book concerns the central religious questions of life-after-death, salvation and judgment, and whether the Christian scriptures present a cohesive view about these matters. It’s an enormous topic that has implications for virtually every aspect of human existence. In this book Michael approaches matters in a very biblically foundational way. He’s addressing evangelical Christians who, perhaps like himself, have assumed that conventional wisdom about immortal souls, eternal punishment, and the destiny of the righteous is a settled matter of biblical orthodoxy. Instead, this book demonstrates how theology can become captive to deep-seated cultural ideas, even when Scripture presents a consistently contrary view. The great strength of this book is the way Michael clearly and straightforwardly works through the relevant themes, along with the associated key scriptures, highlighting the dominant threads, while not neglecting apparently more difficult passages.186 pages. 18/ 12€ (30%)

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